How to restart services Bitnami Wordpress

engineering July 18, 2020
How to restart services Bitnami Wordpress Rez Moss

Rez Moss


Restart Apache:

    /opt/bitnami/ restart apache

Apache service status:

    /opt/bitnami/ status apache

Stop Apache

    /opt/bitnami/ stop apache

Start Apache

    /opt/bitnami/ start apache

Restart Mysql:

    /opt/bitnami/ restart mysql

Mysql service status:

    /opt/bitnami/ status mysql

Stop Mysql

    /opt/bitnami/ stop mysql

Start Mysql

    /opt/bitnami/ start mysql

Restart php-fpm:

    /opt/bitnami/ restart php-fpm

php-fpm service status:

    /opt/bitnami/ status php-fpm

Stop php-fpm

    /opt/bitnami/ stop php-fpm

Start php-fpm

    /opt/bitnami/ start php-fpm

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