How to check file update on an S3 bucket and download latest version into the local folder
August 18, 2020
Rez Moss
@rezmos11- Install AWS cli on your server.
2- Run aws configure command to add your AWS Key & secret
3- Run aws s3 ls command to make sure you have permission to access to your S3 bucket and your AWS cli working properly
4- Save below code into a bash script file
aws s3 ls s3://MY-BUCKET > a.txt #get files list in S3 bucket
A=$(cat a.txt| md5sum | cut -d " " -f1) #get md5 checksum for a.txt
B=$(cat b.txt| md5sum | cut -d " " -f1) #get md5 checksum for b.txt
if [[ $A == $B ]] #If A==B, which means they are equal
echo "Nothing to update => " $(date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S") >> logs.txt
echo "We should update"
rm -rf b.txt
rm -rf
aws s3 cp s3://MY-BUCKET/ ./ #Copy new file from S3 to local
cp a.txt b.txt # overwrite b.txt with a.txt content
echo "last update => " $(date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S") >> logs.txt
5- You can easily put above code to cron